Regarding your customer encounters, how healthy are they? Whether your customer connections are undergoing a major overhaul or you just want to know the status quo, a good customer-experience plan begins with clarity on current performance. The work has never been more important or difficult. Customer expectations of first-rate service are rising; feedback is flooding social media platforms; rivals are developing at a faster speed. Moreover, many businesses deal with the extra difficulty of discriminating performance in operations across several geographies and business divisions. Getting forward calls both stepping back for a whole picture and establishing the infrastructure to keep monitoring performance. Should it address a set of key issues, a well-run customer-experience diagnostic can provide a broadspectrum of advantages. For instance, what truly counts to monitor development and match efforts with high-impact possibilities Finding routes Changing an organ...
Based on consumer research, the team found that the installation process left half of the respondents unhappy. Targeting the 40 percent turnover the company saw from customer relocation, the team, a major energy player, focused on Executive meetings at another telecom business also focused on the long-standing issue of lost income resulting from the 40 percent of new fiberoptic clients who canceled before installation or in the first ninety days of their contract. In every case, the executive focus resulted in a coordinated attempt to correct the intended paths. Concurrent with this, "walking the walk" by leaders created a wave of support for more general organizational transformation and improvement initiatives. Usually in the form of policy or process improvements that can be executed swiftly and centrally, this topdown effort finds early successes for the program most of the time. Those early successes set the standard for the rest of the change—from the bottom up overal...