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The Long-Term Benefits of Personal Branding for Consultants in the USA

Callanan distinguished the connotations of the term "career" by pointing out that it might refer to an individual's attribute, an attribute of an organization, and an attribute of an employment. From this vantage point, the writers see career as a sequence of events connected to their work that shapes a person's course of life (Greenhaus and Callanan, 1994).When all the above is summed up, one may say that a career is a special series of jobs, employment 

opportunities, roles, attitudes and values molded by professional labor (Miś, 2016). Kożusznik (2003) claims that the idea "career" is mostly related with working life. A professional career is the development of employees over their working life through performing different jobs, fulfilling suitable roles and occupying several positions inside the framework of a company. In the intraorganisational sense, it describes consecutive job roles linked with a certain rank in 

the organisational hierarchy that an employee carries over the duration of his/her employment in a given company. Each person follows a professional career both horizontally and vertically inside the company.Although "personal branding" is a notion that emerged somewhat lately in the modern literature on the topic, its scope is expanding at an amazing speed. Although the phrase itself is not novel, its roots are acknowledged to go back to the 1940s. Considered as 

The forerunner of the contemporary 

approach is Peters (1997). The author argues that regardless of our age or position in our employment or company line we operate in, we all have to understand the need of branding (Peters, 1997).From where it originated in the United States, personal branding was adopted in Europe. Like with commercial brands, the value of personal brand was shown to have a significant influence on the income generated by particular individuals (politicians, scientists, 

celebrities) and helped them establish credibility in the perspective of their audience. Consequently, the concept of personal branding usually becomes limited to the matter of personal image and impression of a certain individual by his/her surroundings.It is important to note, therefore, that this is only a condensed form of "personal branding." Two levels describe the idea: the first level relates to the way a person is seen by his/her surroundings; 

the second relates to the way one can be unique from others. Personality qualities, education, and—more often—also the appearance and outside look define each person. Stated differently, personal branding is the technique individuals use to sell themselves (Khedher, 2014; Gujarathi and Kulkarni, 2018).Oleksyn (2014) notes a widespread misinterpretation in defining "personal branding," i.e., seeing someone as a brand is perceived as "

Commodification of persons Another 

misinterpretation is regarding "personal branding" as "package" meant to promote the given services (Oleksyn, 2014). Actually, it is about something far more - about realizing one's own professional identity and developing ideals by which a given individual is always driven in whatever career he or she choose. Malinowska-Parzydło (2015) defines "personal branding" as the result of deliberate and purposeful image management by one. Therefore, the 

fundamental component of this image is its personalisation under the presumption that a particular individual has a brand and thereafter develops a brand in her own right. The reputation, popularity, and trustworthiness of that individual define the power of this brand (Malinowska-Parzydło, 2015). This structure already in place in a specific company defines 

One can see professional careers from an objective standpoint as changes in the place within the organizational hierarchy of a given company. Regarding their subjective element, jobs are related to employees' life cycle, personal growth, goal pursuit and fulfillment of certain needs (Kopertyńska, 2002).Professional career is seen as a road (more usually as a few distinct paths) leading to professional excellence and job satisfaction (Wiernek, 2001). Many times, 

Career is considered as the result of work 

involving tactics and connections (Müller, 2000). According to Kostera (1998), the second fundamental rewording is the chance to pursue a professional career. In this regard, career is seen as a (perceived) road towards professional excellence and accomplishment of working life fulfillment. Consequently, where feasible, the chance to pursue a career should be linked to the particular demands of an employee interested in it; this is a particularly effective kind of 

rewarding (Kostera, 1998).According to Chojnacki & Balasiewicz (2006), a career is a sequence of the employment opportunities that employee holds, carried out tasks or duties. The writers define career as either a path of an individual's working life, i.e., a list of consecutive positions held in a certain occupation, or as advancement to higher positions, 

professional or academic. One could argue that career is vertical and that, occasionally, horizontal movement of an employee entails development of work-related values, skills, abilities, interests, personality traits, knowledge, including institutional and non-institutional education. An individual's particular career starts when they accept a certain job and finishes when they leave the company. The employee's changing responsibilities and obligations, 


durations of holding particular employment positions, random or systematic promotions, transfers (transitions, turnovers) and, seldom, demotion (Chojnacki & Bialasiewicz, 2006).A personal brand comprises the biography, experience, skills, behaviours, appearance and name of a given person (James, 2009). It should reflect the willingness and ability to meet the needs and desires of a specific individual over a specified period of time (McNally and Speak 

Khedher (2014) defined personal branding as a process of conferring a unique personal identity, developing active relations between a brand and its target market, appreciating its impact on an individual's image and authenticity. The author also saw a brand as a tool for achieving personal and professional goals. Everyone can have a stable personal brand, considering one's own goals and employing proper strategies (Shafiee et al., 2020).


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